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众所周知,从2017年1月1日起,新加坡当局针对所有船用燃油(Marine Fuel Oil, MFO)的加油操作,要求强制使用经新加坡海事局批准的质量流量计系统(Mass Flow Metering system, MFM system)。如果驳船未安装此系统,将不被许可。通过实施质量流量计系统进行燃油供应,其主要目的是为了避免燃油供应数量的不一致,也就是常说的短少问题。

但据某协会近期报道称,加油轮上管道存在不规范的情况。这种管道不规范所带来的一个影响就是在加油过程中,一部分质量的燃油会被抽回加油船。这意味着流量质量计的累加器上读数比实际交付燃油要多,也即船舶实际接收燃油比流量表的数要少。交于船方的燃油交货单(Bunker Delivery Note)上数据取自于质量流量计。加油船不接受船上通过测深计算出的燃油接收量,也不参与燃油测深计量的过程,如下图打印出来的单据。

新加坡海事局发布的“燃油质量流量计系统技术参考”(TR 48:2015)所明确的,管道装置是质量流量计系统至关重要的一部分。如果条件许可,为了避免出现大的争议,也可以安排燃油检验师上船,协助船方去检查该系统的完整性,检查加油船管线是否有不规范的情况、校验密封检验报告、检测密封件是否完好以及读取质量流量计读数。同时,船方仍应在燃油交付前后进行测深计量,如果出现船上数据与燃油交货单数据不同,差异较大的话,应当签发海事声明;尽管燃油供应商通常不会接受或拒绝签收此类海事声明。但是在出现争议时,该声明是证明质量流量计的数据与测深计量得出数据不同的依据;因此有任何数据不相符的情形,船方都应该在第一时间通知相关方,比如租家,船东和代理。





可能有燃油供油商或者贸易商说,以他们的合同为版本,而且还不能修改等等,但这都不是理由。很显然,尤其是在大的加油港,如新加坡,船东或租家可供选择的机会非常多,不怕加不到油。在小的港口,也可以通过贸易商;只要有钱,何愁买不到油?因此,在船东或租家的角度,应该和这些供油商或者贸易商,对买卖合同据理力争。船东或租家如果感觉没有这类燃油买卖合同可用,可以参考《BIMCOStandard Bunker Contract 2015》,节选其中几条非常关键的条文如下:


2. Specifications/Grades/Quality

(a) The Buyers shall have the soleresponsibility for the nomination of the specifications and grades of Marine Fuelsfit for use by the Vessel.

(b) The Sellers warrant that theMarine Fuels shall be of a homogeneous and stable nature and shall comply withthe specifications and grades nominated by the Buyers.

Unless otherwise agreed in theConfirmation Note, the Marine Fuels shall in all respects comply with thelatest edition of ISO Standard 8217 as per the date of the

Confirmation Note.


3. Quantities/Measurements

(a) Subject to the provisions ofSub-clause 6(c) and Clause 9 (Claims) hereunder the quantities of Marine Fuelsdelivered shall be determined from the official gauge or manual sounding ormeter of the Bunker Tanker effecting delivery, or in case of delivery ex-wharf,of the shore-meter or the like equipment.

(b) The Sellers shall invite the Buyersor their representatives to witness the opening and closing gauge, or manual soundingor meter reading and the taking of bunker

temperature of all bunker tanks onthe Bunker Tanker and shall be given sufficient information and access to the officialgauge or manual soundings or meter of the Bunker Tanker or shore-meter andrelevant documentation to verify the volume delivered. (c) The Marine Fuels tobe delivered under this Contract shall be measured and calculated in accordancewith the ISO-ASTM-API-IP Petroleum Measurement Tables.

4. Sampling

(a) The Sellers shall invite theBuyers or their representatives to witness the sampling of Marine Fuels. Duringbunkering a primary sample shall be drawn at a point, to be mutually agreedbetween the Sellers and the Buyers or their respective representatives, closestto the Vessel's bunker manifold and otherwise in accordance with the proceduresset out in IMO Resolution MEPC.182(59) Guidelines for the

Sampling of Fuel Oil for Determinationof Compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI or any subsequent amendments thereto.Each sample shall be thoroughly mixed and carefully divided into a minimum offive (5) identical samples and one sample of each grade of Marine Fuels shallbe retained on board for MARPOL purposes. The

absence of the Buyers or theirrepresentatives shall not prejudice the validity of the samples taken. In theevent that local bunkering rules and regulations apply mandatorily, these shalltake precedence over the provisions of this Sub-clause (a).

(b) The samples referred to in sub-clause4(a) shall be securely sealed and provided with labels showing the Vessel's name,identity of delivery facility, product name, delivery date and place and pointof sampling and seal number, authenticated with the Vessel's stamp and signedby the Sellers' representative and the Master of the Vessel or the Master’sauthorized representative.

(c) Two (2) samples shall be retainedby the Sellers for minimum forty-five (45) days after delivery of the Marine Fuelsto the Vessel or, on being requested in writing by the Buyers, for as long asthe Buyers may reasonably require, and the other three (3) samples shall beretained on board the Vessel (one of which shall be for MARPOL purposes). (d)If the quantity is delivered by more than one Bunker Tanker, the samplingprocedure shall be repeated as outlined in this Clause 4.



在英国法下,如果语言足够清楚明确,即便结果荒谬,当事方也要接受。如Krys & Ors v KBC Partners LP & Ors (British Virgin Islands)[2015] UKPC 46案,在第15段判决书中说的那样:

Even if the Board regarded theseconsequences as absurd, such arguments have limited force in the face of theclear language of the articles.

也可以参Sumption勋爵在牛津大学,关于题为《AQuestion of Taste: The Supreme Court and the Interpretation of Contracts》演讲中提到的:

In the face of sufficiently clearlanguage even an absurd result might have to be accepted.









船名      Vessel's name

航次   Voyage No.

港口     Port

日期 Date

项目         Item

采取的措施                                                Measures Taken

Yes or No

签名   Signature


加油计划已经确认,加油会议,溢油演习已举行                                            Bunkering plan is confirmed,meeting and oil  spill drill had been carried out


确认有足够的空油舱接收燃油并有足够的富余量            Confirm the capacity of empty  fuel tanks are sufficient and have enough spaces for bunker intake


已熟悉紧急事故发生时应采取的措施                            Familiar with the  measures to be taken when emergency incidents happens


悬挂严禁烟火告示牌                                         “Smoking and Naked light strictly prohibited" is hung.


日间悬挂危险信号旗或夜间开启危险信号灯                    Red flag of danger signal  is hung in daytime, or Red light of danger signal is turned on at night.


吸油木屑,灭火器,桶等其它的相关溢油设备已放置于加油站附近  Oil-absorging sawdust, fire fight extinguisher, buck and all other concerned  oil spill equipment are prepared and placed around manifold station.


甲板排水孔已堵塞                                           Scuppers on deck are blocked


关闭燃油输送泵进,出口阀及切断电邮                          Input and output vales of  delivery pumps are shut down, and power supply is cut off


确认管路上各阀能正常开启关闭,指示器显示正常   All pipeline valves could be opened/closed  freely, The display on indicator is normal


拟加油舱的进口阀已开启                                       The  input valve of intended oil tank for bunkering is opened.


确认油舱测深管及通气管畅通                                     Oil tanks sounding pipes and ventilation  pipes are unobstructed.


确认各液位计显示正常                                              The display on each level gauges are normal.


船存燃油量已经仔细测量并确认                                       The  bunker quantity remain on board is sounding carefully and confirmed


各舱加油油量,顺序及加油速度已经确认                                     Each  tanks intake quantity,sequences and pump delivery  rate are confirmed


高频等通讯设备准备就绪并工况良好                               VHF for communication  is prepared and in good condition


所有人员准备就绪                                                       All personnel are on standby.











在加油船靠好之后,船方应该再次和驳船的人员核对所加的油品及数量,及许可的加油速率;同时要求驳船方提供燃油品质证书,尤其是MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet),材料安全数据表。

很多情况下,驳船的人会带他们的油样上船,然后试图说服船方的人,说这是惯例,然后要求船方在他们的油样上签字盖章。如果一不谨慎,船方签字盖章了,那么就掉入了供油商他们的陷阱。到时候出现争议,供油商就会拿着他们提供的油样来做检验,但船方根本就不知道这些油样是从哪取的,什么时候取的。如果驳船的人坚决要求船方签字的话,那就得在燃油样瓶上加上备注,比如received only, no witness,source unknown.同时发类似如下的海事声明,抗议一下。


                            Letter of Protect

Non-compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI




Receiving Vessel’sname:__________

IMO No.:_________


Barges’ sample ReferenceNo.:___________


To: Owners/Charterers ofMV:___________

To: Supplier____________

To: Master of bunkerbarge___________

To: Agent____________


On Behalf of my principle(s), I,Captain:_________ hereby clarify that, As per bunker barge their request, I tosign/stamp their sample under my strong protect, those samples with referenceNo._________ which are no witness and sources unknown, and Non-compliance withMARPOL 73/78 Annex VI.

Needless to say that the test result by thosesamples will be not final and binding for the vessel and my Owners/Charterers.



Signature bysuppliers/barge              Signature by the Master of MV______


_________________________            _______________________________

在签收驳船提供的那些油样之前,先让驳船他们的人先签字确认此封声明以保护船东或者租家的利益。当然也可以同时让供油商签一份Bunker Non Lien Notice,以保护船东的利益。

关于这个取油样的位置,按照MARPOL 73/78Annex VI 如下要求,必须是在船舶加油站(manifold),在加油的整个过程中采取滴流取样。

Sampling location

For the purpose of these Guidelines a sample of the fuel delivered to theship should be obtained at the receiving ship’s inlet bunker manifold andshould be drawn continuously throughout the bunker delivery period.




On Behalf of my principle(s), I,Captain:_________ hereby clarify that, We have invited Master of bunker bargeand their representative to attend vessel’s manifold for oil sample witnesspurpose, but regret that they refuse our reasonable requirements. We reconfirmthat the method for taking oil sample which will be fully compliance withMARPOL 73/78 Annex VI, and only these sample taken at manifold with ReferNo.________ are acceptable by us.


同时MARPOL73/78 公约还规定如下,留船的那一瓶油样,必须不少于400ml,且为油样瓶容积的90% ± 5%

The retained sample should be of sufficientquantity to perform the tests required but

should not be less than 400 ml. Thecontainer should be filled to 90% ± 5% capacity and sealed.



• Name and IMO number ofreceiving vessel*

• Date of commencingdelivery*

• Name of bunkerbarge/tanker/bunker installation*

• Sampling location andmethod*

• Signatures and names ofsupplier’s representative and the vessel’s representative*

• Seal identificationnumber*

• Bunker grade*

• Port and location ofbunkering

• Name of bunker supplier

其中标注* 的信息,按照IMO Guidelines要求,必须记录在MARPOL SAMPLE的那瓶油样上。




在LondonArbitration 8/98案中,添加的燃油污染,船东依赖从船上加油站(manifold)取的油样的检测结果,相反租方并没有从驳船上取的油样。仲裁员认为船方的油样采取了通常及正确的方式,采用滴流法。法官认为,那些有目击见证,大家清楚知道来源的油样具有份量;而那些交给船上老轨被劝说需要签收的所谓的燃油样品,但那些油样却没有证据显示,从哪,如何取得的。最终法官作出对船东有利的判决。

The arbitrators held that the vessel's samples had beentaken in the normal and correct manner by means of continuous drip mechanism.Conversely, no samples had been taken on the barge itself.

The award then goes on to state as follows:
"Had they [the samples] beentaken, properly witnessed and acknowledged, analysis of them would have been ofconsiderable weight. As it was, some 'samples' were handed to the ChiefEngineer, who had been persuaded to sign for them but there was no evidence(our emphasis) as to where, how and when those 'samples' were taken."

The tribunal found in the owners' favour.

对于船上油样的存放位置问题,依照MARPOL, Resolution MEPC.182(59),需要存放在生活区外,安全通风,阴凉,没有阳光直晒的地方。

•Outside theaccommodation

•In a safe, sheltered andventilated location

•At a cool/ambienttemperature

•Not exposed to directsunlight



Thesample should be retained until the fuel is substantially consumed, but for notless than 12 months from the time of delivery.







四、BDNBunker Delivery Note



话说回来,按MARPOLAnnex VI 18.5的要求,BDN上最少需包含以下信息:

• Name and IMO number ofreceiving vessel

• Port

• Date of commencement ofdelivery

• Name, address and telephonenumber of marine fuel oil supplier

• Product name(s)

• Quantity in metrictonnes

• Density at 15˚C (kg/m3)

• Sulphur content byweight (% m/m), stated to two decimal places

• A declaration signedand certified by the fuel oil supplier’s representative that the fuel oilsupplied is in conformity with MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 14.1 (worldwidesulphur limit) or Regulation 14.4 (Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) sulphurlimit) and Regulation 18.3 (confirming that the fuel oil is not harmful topersonnel and does not contain chemical waste).




以下为在新加坡加油的一份BDN样式,包含了对应的信息,符合MARPOLAnnex VI 18.5 的要求。

BDN中显示的MSDS,这个全称为 Material Safety Data Sheet,中文为燃油材料安全数据表。

    对于此BDN方面的,也可以参《BIMCO Standard Bunker Contract2015》第6条, Documentation 如下描述:

(a).Before commencement of deliverythe Sellers shall present for written acknowledgement by the Master of theVessel or the Master’s authorized representative, a bunker predelivery form orsimilar document, duly signed by the

Sellers or their representative,which shall contain the quantities to be delivered and all information requiredin accordance with ISO 13739 or any subsequent amendments thereof, including,in particular, the values for: viscosity; density; sulphur content; flashpoint; and delivery temperature. In addition, and if available, similar informationshall be provided for vanadium, ash content, water content and pour point. Inthe event that local bunkering rules and regulation apply mandatorily, these shalltake precedence over the provisions of this Subclause

(b) Once the delivery is completedand quantities measured, a BDN shall be signed and stamped by the Master of theVessel or the Master’s authorised representative, and returned to the Sellers,or their representative, as acknowledgement of the actual volume and the actualdelivery temperature only and a duplicate copy shall be retained by the Masterof the Vessel. This receipt shall contain the following minimum informationwhich is warranted by the Sellers: delivered quantity in volume

units; density in kg/m3 at 15° C asper ISO 3675; delivery temperature; flash point; sulphur content in % m/m asper ISO 8754; and viscosity. (c) In the event the Master of the Vessel is notsatisfied with the sampling, quantity or any other matter concerning the MarineFuels or their delivery, the Master shall on completion of delivery: (i) make appropriateremarks in the BDN detailing the complaints and/or referring to a separateletter of protest; or (ii) if remarks in the BDN are not permitted, issue aseparate letter of protest, receipt of either of which shall be acknowledged inwriting by the Sellers’ representative.





It is generally accepted that itis an absolute obligation, such an absolute duty means that it would not besufficient merely to use reliable suppliers (who then go on to provideoff-specification bunkers), The charterers have to provide bunkers of suitablequality.







• Log books (deck, engine, andrough)

• Engine room alarm logs

• Oil Record Book(s)

• Planned Maintenance System(PMS) records

• Pre-arrival checklists

• Pre-departure checklists

• Bunker tank soundings andmeasurements

• Consumption records

• BDNs and bunker receipts

• Third party fuel oil analysisfor previous stems

• Engine lubricating oilanalysis results • Photographs of physical damage (any damaged parts removed orreplaced should be preserved)

• Survey reports




对于ISO 8217:2005的燃油,其成分含量如下。



鉴于油样存放的时间长短,实验室检测的误差等因素,检测出来的最终结果,可能与以上的标准并不一致。如GalaxyEnergy International Ltd v Eurobunker Spa [2001] EWHC 502 (Comm) 案,燃油分批转卸到仓库中,事后多次检测的燃油最低温度流动点都不一致,有差异,但法官采纳专家们的意见,判卖家胜诉,买方得支付货款及存储费用。

I therefore have come to theconclusion that the Sellers are entitled to judgment for the amount due inrespect of the cargo and the storage charges.




• The engine/machinery problems arose dueto poor maintenance of the vessel;

• The engine/machinery problems werecaused by bunkers supplied under a previous charter;

• The loss/damagewould have been avoided had more rigorous fuel management procedures beenemployed on board, such as isolating and analysing the bunkers before they wereburned. However, in a scenario such as this, defendant charterers/bunkersuppliers would prima facie still be liable for the delay, costs and anyliability that would have been incurred, for example, by deviating to take onfresh bunkers and, in some cases, having to de-bunker the vessel;

• The loss/damagewould have been avoided had preventative measures been taken such as blendingthe fuel and/or incorporating additives into the off-specification fuel.














鉴于此,有必要重申一下,Sumption勋爵在题为 A Question of Taste: The SupremeCourt and the Interpretation of Contracts》演讲中提到的:

In the face of sufficiently clear language even anabsurd result might have to be accepted.


此外,在VebaOil Supply & Trading GmbH v Petrotrade Inc [2001] EWCA Civ 1832案中,其中合同关于检测标准有如下描述:

4. Product/Quality Gasoilmeeting the following guaranteed specifications:

Test Limit MethodASTM

Densityat 15degC 0.876kg/l maxD1298

但卖家采用了当地习惯采用的检测标准D4052,虽然此标准比D1298的标准来得高,而且精度更准确。但上诉院的法官们认为,如果合同已经列明特定的检测方法,那么必须采用此检测方法,否则违背了合同的要求。而一旦违反了合同的要求,那么任何别的检测结果对合同双方都没有约束力,最终Simon Brown勋爵判买家胜诉,驳回了卖家的上诉。

That, however, is by the way. For thereasons given earlier, I would hold the determination not to be binding becauseof the Inspectors' material departure from their instructions, and accordinglydismiss this appeal.






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