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快中秋国庆了,仍在海外的烤鸭们是不是很怀念家里的味道?各种美食,各种想念~ 今天,无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐和大家聊聊家乡的味道。除了对着屏幕流口水,同学们还能积累描述美食和菜肴的词句,不光看了饱眼福,雅思口语考试还能用得上,真真是唯爱与美食不可辜负!


Proper street kebabs 烤串

Islamic lamb kebabs with cumin(孜然清真风味羊肉串), Teppanyaki-style squid with five-spice sauce(五香铁板鱿鱼), gigantic "swords" of mind-blowing spicy chicken wings, grilled fresh oysters, fried pork tenderloin slices(里脊肉) and razzle-dazzle exhibitions of vegetables-on-sticks. Every bite of China's street kebabs is a combination of good food and a street-side buzz unique to the country. 


 Spicy crayfish 香辣小龙虾

Crayfish has taken China by a storm in the past decade or so. Cities all over the country go gaga over (对什么已经疯狂迷恋) the crustaceans, which are simmered in a broth (在汤汁中炖煮) with chilli and abundant spices then served dry. From spring to early autumn, crayfish-night-outs have become a ritual for many. Groups of friends find a jam-packed stall, sit on tiny plastic stools and order a bucket or two of bright red crayfish. 


Lamb hot pot 老北京涮羊肉

Likely originating during the Yuan Dynasty (起源于元代) and made popular by Qing Dynasty emperors(流行于清朝), lamb hot pot is dramatic to look at -- the copper container (铜炉) has a tall chimney in the middle to release steam from burning coal below, while the broth cooks in the outskirts of the pot. 这一段描述铜炉和烧火锅的原理是很赞的,小伙伴们学起来哟~

Although a variety of meats, seafood and vegetables can be cooked, the star of the meal is plate after plate of wafer-thin lamb slices. 薄薄的涮羊肉片~

Guilin rice noodles 桂林米粉

Located in southern China among clear rivers and Karst Mountains (喀斯特地貌), Guilin isn't only famous for its heavenly landscape, but bowls of refreshing rice noodles topped with preserved long beans(酸豆角), peanuts, bamboo shoots (酸笋)and spring onions. There are noodles stalls everywhere in Guilin and surrounding areas (米粉小店到处有). Locals like to mix the silky noodles and ingredients in a spicy and sour brine then eat them dry; or savour the whole combination in the beef stock(牛骨汤)。Different meats can be added. The most popular tend to be slices of beef and chunks of beef belly(卤牛肉和卤牛肚)。

 Yan Du Xian soup 腌笃鲜

Yan Du Xian is a nutritious soup known as the great comfort food of the Yangtze River Delta in early spring. (腌笃鲜是长三角地区人民的挚爱)It's a typical homey dish(家常菜) -- restaurants serve it, but the best always comes from a loving mom. Seasonal delicacies, such as young bamboo shoots, chunks of pork belly, cured pork slices, firm tofu sheets and premium yellow rice wine, are put together in one clay pot for hours of simmering (时令的优质食材,新鲜笋尖,猪肚切块,熏肉切薄片,豆腐皮扎成蝴蝶结,配以上好的黄酒,放入瓦罐中小火慢炖数个小时).

Stinky tofu 臭豆腐 

Fried, braised, steamed or grilled -- stinky tofu is delicious no matter how it's prepared. Somewhat similar to cheese, it's an acquired taste or one that perhaps you have to grow up with to fully appreciate. (臭豆腐和cheese一样,都是闻起来臭,吃起来香的货~)

Recipes vary from region to region, but the basic method is to let bean curd ferment in a special brine then deep-fry it.(做法:让新鲜的豆腐块腌在特制的卤汁中发酵)It can be eaten with chili sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil or kimchi. Despite its underwhelming appearance and sharp smell, stinky tofu has a pleasant texture -- crispy on the outside, tender inside.虽然外表不起眼,气味刺鼻,臭豆腐的口感很好,外酥里嫩。

Shanghai mitten crab 大闸蟹 

For Shanghainese, autumn isn't complete without a steamed, roe-laden hairy crab. (对于上海人而言,没有大闸蟹的秋冬季是不完整的!) Local mothers buy them from wet markets, steam them and eat them with gingery vinegar. Specialty restaurants like Wang Bao He (王宝和)create expansive crab banquets out of the seasonal delicacy -- fried crab roe(炒蟹黄), crab roe tofu(蟹粉豆腐), steamed crab meatballs(蒸蟹球), crab meat dumplings(蟹粉小笼) and other inventive dishes might all be featured. 

Duck blood soup with vermicelli 


Nanjing residents love eating duck, from salted duck (盐水鸭)to pancakes(鸭油烧饼) made with duck grease to duck-blood soup(鸭血粉丝汤), which has recently become popular in many parts of China. In a bowl of duck-bone stock, duck blood is presented in bean-curd-like cubes together with vermicelli, fried firm bean curd and bits of duck organs, such as liver and gizzard. 

It can be eaten any time of day with steamed buns, a bowl of rice or just on its own(随时随地,想吃都能吃).

 Cold chopped chicken 白切鸡

This dish is typical. Spring chickens are boiled till tender(开水煮熟), then chopped up and served with a dipping sauce. The chunky meat is nice, but the tastiest bits are actually the bones, which locals love to suck. They're even yummier with the magic of the sweet, sour and gingery sauce. 酸甜酱~

Harbin red sausage 哈尔滨红肠

Although traditional sausages in China(比如:广式腊肠) are wind-dried and much sweeter than their Western counterparts, Harbin red sausages are smoked and have evolved from Lithuanian sausages(是立陶宛香肠的升级版). The texture is tenderer than salami, firmer than an American hotdog and drier than cooked British sausages。

It was brought to China by Russian and Eastern European immigrates who came to construct trans-Siberian railways. 据说最早红肠是为了修建西伯利亚铁路而来到中国的俄罗斯和东欧移民带来的。

Sugar-fried chestnuts 糖炒栗子

For this ever-popular autumn snack, chefs fry chestnuts (which are cut open) in an enormous wok filled with black sand and granulated sugar.  糖炒栗子是全国各地的秋冬季人气小吃,制作方法:开口的栗子放在大锅中和黑石子,砂糖一起翻炒。

When properly done, they're soft, sweet and extremely fragrant. Although chestnuts can be found all over the world, the best ones for this popular snack come from the regions around Beijing, especially the Fangshan area. 糖炒栗子的发源地是北京的房山地区。

Sichuan boiled bullfrog水煮牛蛙

There are a variety of ways to cook bullfrogs in different parts of the country, but shui zhu -- a cooking technique from Sichuan cuisine -- has gained widespread popularity (水煮的表达方式)

Pre-fried bullfrogs are poached in oil packed with strong spices, such as chili peppers and flower peppers(辣椒花椒), then served in a larger bowl and garnished with fresh coriander.  Often, the oil is still bubbling while being served. It's an unbeatable sharing dish for a big group. It's most satisfying with a bowl of white rice. 和白米饭吃是再好不过啦。

好啦,以上就是今天的内容。同学们有没有记住这几道菜分别叫啥英文名字,是怎么做的呢?下次口语考试讲到食物的时候,相信大家都会有非常多的话可以聊了~ 今天学的这些菜名和表达都直接可以用上哦~




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